Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Acid rain and why it can help my life right now

It's getting towards the end of the year and I've stopped wanting to go to any of my classes. It's not that I don't like them, it's just that having to spend at least an hour a day twice a week for the last four months has gotten really tiring and grinding. In the pursuit of avoiding spending an hour a day twice a week in my exhausting, now irritating classes, I've begun ditching. This plan of just not going works very well a majority of the time. I sleep in and no one ever finds out. However, this plan does not work for classes that take roll periodically, which is a fair amount of my classes. For these classes, a more drastic approach is necessary, like praying for a flood or a power outage or perhaps a flat tire for the professor. Or maybe, the swift deterioration of the building due to denudation. Denudation is the term used for all the processes by which weathering occurs. These processes include weathering, mass movement, erosion, transportation, and deposition. The most likely way that this would happen is through carbonation and solution. Carbonation and solution are forms of chemical weathering whereby carbonic acid from carbon dioxide is dissolved in water and deteriorates buildings. This kind of weathering is often described as acid rain, where carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere and comes down when it rains. It can be seen on ancient sculptures ad buildings that look particularly worn and deteriorated. While this kind of deterioration takes years and decades and millennia to work, I can hope that a bucket of carbonic acid has been released into the atmosphere and will come down in acid rain only in the general direction of the halls where my classes are. Or I can just suck it up and wait until the semester is over. Which is only in a few days. So I'll probably just do that.

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